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As-Builts on demand

Logical Cad Solutions

Architectural Surveys & As-Builts:

Logical CAD Solutions can travel to your property and measure the entire building in real-time, then create a correct and accurate floor plan from scratch. Our engineers use 3D scanning devices and laser scanning devices in addition to our tape measures, in order to give our as built on demand the most accurate information possible – specifically, with a 1:2 accuracy rate.

CAD Drafting and BIM Drafting:

If you want a workable AutoCAD file, manual tracing is the only method that ensures quality conversion. Logical CAD Solutions is here for you.

Plan Permitting Assistance:

Logical CAD Solutions is an experienced team of engineers and architects who provide plan permitting assistance to help you get your project approved. We’ll make sure that your project includes all the necessary documentation to meet local code requirements, so you can focus on what matters most – construction.

Floor Plan Revisions:

Logical CAD Solutions is a quality design and drafting company that creates excellent floor plans. We have set prices for your revision cost if you ever need to make revisions. Logical CAD Solutions has a work revision cost table based on the amount of revision you or your company would like to make.

CAD as well as BIM is excellently utilized by  
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